My heart is breaking

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Dont know if any of you were aware that i had a very old cat-25 years-well she died last week, and i dont seem to be getting over it at all, i got her when i was pregnant with my daughter so we have been together a very long time, why even the kids left home but Lucky stayed with me.

She was a lovely tortoishell cat and she was my angel too, find it so hard i keep looking for her, i was lucky enough to be at home when the end came for my angel, i know she had a wonderful life, well the day she died i got some double cream from the supermarket for her and i watched her lapping it up, i thought old girl you are not leaving us yet, she had spent the day in the conservatory sunbathing too.And then at night she began vomiting everything back and was breathing hard,it only took her a short while to go and i thank God that i could be there. Oh how our pets can break our hearts.Not felt like even coming on the internet.

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