
Desperately looking for kaffir,persian or any lime or citrus seeds.Anyone in the international community have any.I will provide a list of things I have to trade or ask as I may have it.Thanks Marg

Maggyby, you can get Citrus aurantium and C. limetta from the company: Chiltern Seeds, Ulverston, Cumbria LA12 7PB, England, - - I get seeds from them and find them prompt and reliable - but could you not get seeds from actual fruit? I have just sown several Kumquat seeds from fruit I bought for the house.

Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

Hello Maggyby (how does this name compose??)

you can use te pips from lemons, tangerines, and mainly Seville oranges (or bitter oranges). I am mot sure what
type of citrus will come out of them, but you can always graft later on - you can even graft 2 - 3 kinds of citrus on one trunk and produce several types of fruit from it.


Violet Town, Victori, Australia(Zone 8a)

I was recently sent seeds of a citrus called a western red bush lemon in a trade, I have sown the seeds now but if you're interested I could ask the woman who sent me some to contact you. Don't know if the original tree was a graft or seedling though. I have also just purchased a plant of a seedling mandarin, still a while off seeds though.

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Does anyone have any citrus tree cuttings?

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil(Zone 10a)

Hi, Maggyby
I could save seeds of citrus limetta bergamota for you,
I read somewhere that you should never dry citrus seeds. It should be kept moist untill sowing.
Is it true??

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