Black Currant Swirl (Datura Datura metel)

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Common name: Black Currant Swirl
Family: Solanaceae
Genus: Datura
Species Datura metel

Thumbnail by MaVieRose
Medicine Park, OK

Your Black Current Swirl Datura is absolutely beautiful!!! WOW!!!

DO you know where I can get a start/cutting??


This is a most amazing photo. I too wonder where I might find one???

I am Lisa

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

unfortunately, when i was growing this plant last year, i had a crazy neighbor, we did not know that was heavy into drugs. she riped and destroyed a lot of my plant, i was unable to save any seeds. perhaps others in DG has some seeds to offer ... some of them called the Currant Black Swirl as purple datura. so sorry i got nothing to offer. i wrote a dear friend to spare me some seeds, so i maybe able to plant this variety of datura again. this particular photo was taken on a datura that is planted on semi shaded area.

i would guess in the condition of the desert where i am, planting them in straight sun would not produced a lovely flower such as this. i think and feel the harsh desert sun would dry out the petals in no time. i live in the upper desert of So. Calif. the harsh hot sun is not only problem here but also the strong winds that constantly come out way.

wish u both some luck about finding some seeds for this particular datura here is a source that sells Datura metel [double purple], otherwise maybe, just maybe some other DG member have them to offer. hope that helps.

Waterford, ON(Zone 6a)


I requested this datura on another trade forum. I did receive some seeds. They started sprouting over a month ago and now are only a little over an inch tall. I will gladly send some seeds if these plants make it! Does anyone know how to make them grow faster? Summer is going to be over before they amount to anything! I have them in pots now, should I try changing the soil or feeding them more?

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

i plant mine on the ground. i never feed the datura i grow. i do not pamper my plants, except for brugs and orchids, otherwise they are on their own.

keeping them in pots, i noticed grow slowly on the ground, either in full sun or part shade, they do extremely well. grow them in pots if u think u're growing season is short. be sure they are bigger pots, not small ones as the roots tend to grow longer downward. hth.

Beaufort, NC(Zone 8a)

My Datura is in it's first year, but I'll let you know when I get seeds. I moved it under a tree to keep it happybecause I noticed when I came home from work, the Carolina sun all day was making it wilt.

Thumbnail by trecamp
Beaufort, NC(Zone 8a)

Another photo. Some day I'll figure out how to do this.

This message was edited Thursday, Jul 24th 10:59 PM

Thumbnail by trecamp
Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

I have grown this before in south Texas, kept it in a pot out of direct "heat of the day" sunlight. Lost the original when I moved. I just got another a couple of months ago and it was about 6-8" tall,it is now about 18" tall and has 4 buds so we'll see what it does. It had a bud when I bought it but it dropped shortly after arriving at its new home.I am keeping this one in a pot too. The buds on now are larger than the one it dropped so I'm hoping these will bloom. If I get some seeds I will be glad to share as I have found sometimes this is a hard one to find. At first I thought this was Angle Trumpet but have been advised better....... :o)

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

These are some of my favorite flowers. The pic I am attaching was this morning and the flower wasn't just a triple, it had 4 flowers! (First I've ever seen) Absolutely beautiful!!! I have quite a few plants and they produce plenty of seeds for me. Even though I try to keep them dead-headed and don't allow but only one pod to form at a time on each plant. That way the plant is giving everything to making flowers & not seeds. If anyone is still looking for seeds, I have them often. You can LMK.

Brinda :)

Thumbnail by Brinda
Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Brenda and Trecamp you both have an excellent Datura, this is one of my favorites too. I have been looking for some of the other colors, I also have seeds of the single white and am looking for the yellow. I also understand there is a dwarf varitiey????

Haven't decided if I am going to plant them now or wait until spring. Our winters are usually real mild so I may go ahead and plant a few and see what happens.....Your flowers are beautiful.... :o)

Lakeland, FL


Could you send me some seeds for this plant! I LOVE this plant!

Lakeland, FL

DO any of you happen to have any seeds from any of these 'Devil Trumpets'? I love them and I cannot find any seeds or plants ANYWHERE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Sassytiger......I have seeds of this beauty......Send me an e-mail with your addy and I will get some out to you.....

i am try to find some seeds or cutting they are hard to find in WILLIS TEXAS OF ANY KIND

This message was edited Saturday, Jan 31st 9:49 PM

This message was edited Saturday, Jan 31st 9:49 PM


This message was edited Saturday, Jan 31st 9:53 PM

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

First e-mail wins.....annabelle or sassytiger...LOL... ;o)

WILLOW WASP i am look to find some different seeds i live in zone 8 there is none to be found around this part of Texas my email is Annabelle_020645

This message was edited Tuesday, Feb 3rd 9:51 PM

they have seeds of every color on e-bay gold, pink, red you name it one guy is selling a mix of 10 different kinds right now.

Hopkinsville, KY

I got my first Black Current Swirl this spring. Ordered it from a seed catalog my husband received. No instructions came with it so I put it in a large pot in full sun. Here in southern KY it takes a LOT of water but I think the blooms make all the watering worth while. My daughter hates it and calls it my funeral flower because she thinks it looks like something you would send to a funeral home. My plant is full of seed pods. When do I pull them and how do I treat them afterwards? I will gladly send seeds to anyone as long as they last if you will email me with your snail mail address. My email is

This message was edited Monday, Jul 5th 10:35 PM

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

Nokomis I had been looking for this plant for quite sometimes now. I live in San Diego and I would like to have some seeds if you still have some. My email

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Wait until the seed pods begin to crack open. It takes them awhile to do this so you will be looking at them everyday. They don't look any different than any other day, they will just crack.
Take them and peel them out on paper towels to dry. They will be dry enough to package in a few days. Then send them out. The ones that have the thorns you have to peel out more carefully so you don't get thorns in your fingers...

Thumbnail by WillowWasp
Deland, FL

I received mine from a friend of my wife's in early sumer. It was a very small plant with 1 flower in a pot. I planted it in the ground after our hurricane season roughly the 1st of Oct. It grew very well, at 1 point I had 17 buds with 4 flowers in blum. I planted some seeds around 6 weeks ago and they just popped up. Can't wait until this spring so i can plant them in the ground.

Thumbnail by Technician

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