Looking for Korean Spicebush

Moorestown, NJ(Zone 7b)

I don't have much to trade (a bunch of seeds and some chocolate mint), but I am desperate to get one of these shrubs! Next to a magnolia or gardenia (which I constantly kill!), there is nothing more heavenly scented! Can anyone help me out? I can't find them in my area (except planted already! and yes, I am tempted to do a midnight raid!!!) :-)

Are you speaking of Viburnum carlesii? You should be able to find one in any good nursery. How far are you from Greenwich (along the Delaware Bay)? Fairweather Gardens is located down there and they have an excellent selection of viburnums. They have open houses from time to time and also do mailorder. I have a big one in full bloom right now and the fragrance is fantastic. Great deep red fall color too.

Moorestown, NJ(Zone 7b)

Yes, I believe that is the latin name of it. The smell is absolutely heavenly!

I'm near Philly and am quite aways away from the Delaware Bay. Can they be rooted from stems do you know? I absolutely fell in love with these last year and have been looking for some since........only one mail order catalog had them and it's not a very reliable one and their prices were outrageous.

I will search the web for Fairweather Gardens and see if I can get one from them. Thanks for the help!

They can be rooted from semi ripe cuttings dipped in rooting hormone. They best way to go is with plants though, you'll wait years for a decent sized plant from a small cutting. Fairweather Gardens website (WWW.Fairweathergardens.com) is just one page describing what they sell, open houses etc.. If you can't get to the next open house (5/11-12), call and request a catalog ($2) They are expensive but the quality is top notch. I just can't believe there aren't any nurseries near you that have them. The nurseries near me (Princeton) are loaded with them. Wayside Gardens and White Flower Farm also sell them mailorder if all else fails. Its staring to get late in the season though for mailorder unless they ship potted plants, which they might.

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