Need info on climbing hydrangra

Gonzales, LA(Zone 9a)

does anyone out there grow climbing hydrangra? Does it grow well in the south and how fast a grower is it, shade or sun, how winter hardy, and does it bloom all summer. I live south of Baton Rouge, La. and don't see any of them growing here in this area. Don't know if they just haven't been introduced to this area or if they don't do well here. Thanks, Ellen

Western, PA(Zone 6a)

A very close relative, the Japanese climbing Hydrangea, will take a FEW years to set its roots in the ground. Once established, will climb by attaching to trees, houses, and such. Trees are probably the best bet. I just traded off 2 that seemed to be taking forever to establish. Although the reason may have been root competition with a Norway spruce. Good plant in the right place.

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

Hi Ellen, Hope you had a great trip to Alaska. This spring I planted my climbing hydrangea that I bought from Dave last year. It is healthy and looks great but is taking its own slow time starting to put on any growth to speak of. Dave would be the one to ask about it as he has had experience with them. Maybe he will answer this post. Yoo Hoo, Dave! Are you out there? Come in Dave!!!

Gonzales, LA(Zone 9a)

Thanks for the reply. Yes, Alaska was beautiful this time of the year, so many flowers were in bloom along the roadside and the parks were beautiful in Anchorage. I don't think many people grow the climbing hydranga, haven't had much guess when we build our shelter beside the pool we'll just stick with the old standby..wisteria, I know it will cover quickly this far south (Baton Rouge) and is pretty pest free. Thanks anyway, Ellen

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

We posted on this before-someone said it takes 3yrs to get growing! Mine wasnt growing very fast so i moved it-it would have been its 3rd yr this summer!!! DAH!

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

Hi Ellen and Dori,
Guess I will be able to know a little more about this plant in a couple of years. Mine has looked very healty since I planted it this spring but hasn't grown very much. So........I have two more years to wait,huh? Glad you warned us Dori or I might have moved it.

Dori, I know how much you love daylilies. I just wanted to tell you that dayflower (Ellen R.- She has a lovely name. LOL) is an expert on the subject if you haven't already found that out. We need to take your van and go see her gardens next spring. Bet Calalily would love to go too. I bet you can count on Kimberly wanting to go also since she has wanted to go to LA to see Lisa for some time. We can all go see Lisa after we visit dayflowers gardens. Ellen you can go with us also.
Signed Ellen R.

Gonzales, LA(Zone 9a)

Well Ya'll just come on glad to have you. About the 3rd week in May is the peak time to catch the daylilies in the Baton Rouge area in bloom, and our club, THE BATON ROUGE DAYLILY SOCIETY, has a bus tour to around 8 gardens in the area that is really worth taking, cost $10, first come basic, registeration,with plenty of refreshments in each garden. Just email me ahead of time for more information. Thanks, Ellen

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

Wouldn't that just be soooooooooo much fun to go and see Ellen, her garden and the gardens in her area? Thanks for the invitation dayflower. It is so very tempting. Maybe we need to do one of the Roadrunner/Calalily type tours of the country and make stops like they did along the way. Hey, Susie and Jo, what do you think of that idea?

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Dayflower, Hi! I've had the chance to meet both Elena and Dori, they are great gals. They need to come on a little more towards the swamps and see me while visiting with you..grin.

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

Hi Lisa. Are you enjoying your new home? Hopefully flooding will be a thing of the past for you now, not to mention there will be no alligators eating up the backstroking chickens. LOL Thanks for the compliment. I don't know about me but I know that Dori is great. I am kinda day dreaming when I am talking this way, but it would be so delightful to be able to be there for the daylily tour. I would never dream of going that far away from home and not coming to see you and your sweet DH and DD. We don't drive as fast as you do so it would take us longer. Ha! I noticed a posting by Susie showing her banana planr she got from you. It kinda made me wish I had asked you to bring me one. Oh well!!!!

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