What size SASE??

I have been wheeling and dealing for a couple of days and I have NO IDEA what size SASE for seeds?
Would it be a regular legal size or should it be a padded envelope?
Can you tell I am a Newbie?
BTW....... I am getting everything together as soon as I get an answer to my silly question. LOL

Plainville, MA

Janice, usually legal, i have recieved some of the smaller ones. i have padding.

thanks Libby

Philadelphia, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi Minnie,
I've had to send both padded and legal sized envelopes for SASE. Usually you would just send the legal size letter envelope, as mentioned above, for SASE unless the person with the seeds asks for a larger envelope. I do have a few suggestions when you send out your SASE, since I receive many SASEs where people must have thought I was a mind reader..lol. Anyway, it's good practice to:
*Include a brief note with your SASE mentioning your EMAIL ADDRESS and what you are requesting
*write on the inside flap of your SASE the seed(s) name you are requesting (for example, Balsam and Cleome)
*INCLUDE YOUR SNAIL ADDRESS WITH POSTAGE-ONLY BEING SENT (this is when someone with seeds says that they have envelopes and all you need to do is send postage stamps)..or write in on the outside of your mailing envelope. You'd be surprised how many people mail things without a return address. I personally fill SASEs and request only postage stamps most of the time.
*write your return address so it can be read and make sure it is correct on your SASE (you'd be surprised!)
*include enough postage, which is $.45 (that would mail a basic padded envelope back to you).
*you can ask if the person needs you to send padding/bubble wrap but usually the seed sender has enough to recycle around and that, therefore, saves you from having to use extra postage to just mail your SASE AND padding.
I hope I didn't confuse you. Don't worry..all of us have become better traders by making trades. You have to start somewhere and everyone is more than willing to help guide you along. Happy seed trading :)

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