My Lavender died!

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

I trimmed the spend flowers from my French lavender and within two days it was dead...
I'm shocked, what did I do wrong?

Hi Dovey

Welcome to DG!

I wouldn't have thought it would have died by you just trimming the flowers off and certainly not so quick as 2 days! The certain ways of murdering Lavender is trimming the whole plant back hard and overwatering.

Perhaps it was already dying?

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

Who knows,
It was a fairly new plant (In the ground maybe 2 months)
We had a heat wave and it looked a little wilted.. I probably over watered it like you said, killing it with kindness. At any rate, it's become a household joke now. Everytime I suggest trimming a deal leaf from any plant, I am reminded what happened "last time".
I just put a new one in the same spot and one in a different area, so well see.
Wish me luck, this is my first herb garden and I love being able to go to the garden to trim fresh herbs to cook with.
Thanks for the feedback and the welcome.

My pleasure Dovey!

Aha! During the heat wave was it also high humidity?

If so your Lavender suffered from a fungal wilt disease or possibly a root fungal disease. The affects of fungal disease can often seem like over watering and sometimes don't show up until it's too late.

Don't replant a new Lavender in the same spot for a little while. Some Lavender growers recommend using a 1-2inch white sand mulch around the roots to prevent this happening as well as enough space where the air can circulate around the plants.

Good luck with the herb garden :)

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

High humidity?
Yep, I live in San Diego a wee 7 blocks from the beach, it was hot and muggy.
I feel a little bit better knowing I may not be the cause.
I already planted the new lavender, but maybe I have a little bit of plant instinct?
I dug the hole much larger than needed, mixed a shovel of sand and some Super Thrive in with the soil before planting. I thought maybe drainage was a problem.
Thanks again

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