
Was browsing I think it was Poppysue's webpage and came across some info about passiflora. She said that she couldn't get her passiflora seed to germinate. She put them in orange juice for a couple of days and then tried again and they started to sprout. Well I did the same thing last week with Passiflora seed that I had been trying to germinate for over a month. Put them back in damp paper towel in a baggie on Friday after soaking them in pulpy orange juice and today noticed that one of them is sprouting .
Now to figure out what passiflora they are since it has been so long trying to germinate them that I have forgotten the name of the Passiflora. Should have written it on the baggie of course.

I soaked mine for 2 days in the orange juice

I am so excited, another seed has sprouted. I threw out passiflora seed that I couldn't get to sprout earlier this year and last year. Thanks to the orange juice solution I can now germinate them.

I hadn't heard of the orange juice method until recently. I usually just nick them, put them in boiling water (then think that's too drastic and add a bit of cold) for about an hour (I'm impatient), then put them in compost in a small heated propagator. I've germinated P. caerulea, antioquiensis, mollissima, caerulea Constance Elliott, incarnata, subpeltata, manicata, edulis and maliformis this way. I've often found another one sprouting in the same pot months later. I put some seeds of a purple flowered one in grapefruit juice (I had half a grapefruit handy) and it hasn't germinated.

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