not gardening but ...........

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)


has anyone else noticed the lack of Swallows and House Martins this year?

It's almost the end of May and I've only seen a dozen at the most. My local lake, the huge Lough Neagh 22x11 miles, has very few along it's western shore where these birds usually gather in huge numbers at this time of year.


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Not seen any yet - anyone heard a cuckoo then?

According to my diary mark, its still April, but no, i havent seem them either, but then its been freezing cold here for the last ten days or so, may be they will start to show, but its not a very encouraging sighn, its said that summer come two weeks after they do, hmmmn.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

I know it's still April but the Swifts will be here in 10 days. By this time Swallows are usually here and looking at old sites. Swifts are the last migrant to arrive home and 2nd to leave for Africa after the Cuckoo.


Lewes, Sussex, United Kingdom

Swallows are only just coming in down here, The winds have swung round to the South west, making it easier for them. Normally by now the advance guard would have been and gone and on it's way to Norfolk while the main thrust would be settling in down here. I heard a cuckoo last week (the 19th)but am worried because our chiff-chaffs have'nt arrived yet. What's going on ? Rob.

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

I think they had a good look at the weather and turned around.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

there are plenty of singing Chiffchaffs and Willow Warblers in Northern Ireland.


Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

I remember when i was little, there were thousands of Swallows and House Martins around and about my parents house. They even had them nesting in the eves of the house. But they seem to be a rare sight here now. I don't think i've seen one for about 5 years now. They are beautiful birds and so graceful when they fly, just hope this year will be different, I get a chance to point some out to my daughter.

Amazing, I only just this morning saw my first 4 swallows in a lane behind the fields and I thought "that's about time too" and then I log on and find this thread ! Spooky.

We've got lots of activity in the heart of the country but no cuckoos yet, which is late according to my diaries. Swallows I saw were VERY low, which I was taught usually means they've only just arrived (if the weather isn't responsible by keeping the insects low) and their wingbeats were relatively slow. Yellowhammers are going crazy as are 3 types of tit and linnets, chiff chaffs (poss w.warblers - call them willowchaffs then) robins, more collared doves than I've EVER seen in one place and all the other usual suspects. None of the regular more exotic birds seem to have turned up yet, but I haven't been down to the local reserve to check out the listings for a couple of weeks. However, the Barn owls are sharing their barn with kestrels which we all find surprising, and the little owls 30 feet away are as loud as ever so it looks fairly healthy at the moment, just a bit delayed.

I blame the weird weather.


Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

it probably won't help, but here the barn swallows arrived on Monday (4/23)- saw two pair swifting around the little old wooden silo - no doubt competing for the gable of the storm shed on the barn bridge. No cuckoos here at all, but the piliated woodpeckers have been chuckling off in the woods.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)


Willow warblers have paler legs than Chiichaffs and their primary feathers are shorter and dont reach as far as the tail. I hope this helps.

or is it the other way round! either way if it goes chiff chaff chiff chaff you'll know what you have.

so you have Yellowhammers singing 'little bit of bread no cheese'. you are so lucky. They are almost gone from N Ireland and mostly confined to County Down. Thats modern farming for you!!


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