Repellants and some tips

Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

I came across an article in the 'paper about gardening. Here're a few points I got interested:

"Marigolds will make your pests unhappy and discourage them around your plants. So grow orange marigolds throughout your garden. Make a strong tea with ming. Use one cup of herbs to one cup of boiling water. steep for an hour and strain. Dilute the tea in a quart of water and add two drops of liquid soap but not detergent. Spray as needed."

"There's also a pepper repellant: put three cloves of garlic, one mediumonion and two tea spoons of black or hot red pepper into the blender. Add some water and blend it well.Strain and dilute in enough water to make two quarts of solution with two dropw of liquid soap and spray."

"You can destroy ant hills by pouring salt water over them."

"Garlic checks black spots in roses,drives away aphids and improves the scent of the rose! If your roses could talk they would probably tell you that they enjoy a compost using garlic and onion plants! By letting the french marigolds grow around your roses, you will keep nematodes and eelworms away from them!"

"Bananas are extremely healthy for roses. Cut up the skins and dig them in around the roots!"

Wapakoneta, OH(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the info Dinu but something out there likes marigolds because they are slowly eatng mine. Or does it have to be just the gold ones you plant?

Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

I think it is the orange which has that abililty. My marigold leaves themselves are being eaten by a sort of little white bug.

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