sang x sang has a Y

Hamilton, Canada

Well I've spent so much time watering, fertilizing, picking off leaves and insects etc. that I never checked the cuttings I bought from Liz. They are growing just beautifully, but I never in the world expected to see a 'Y' so soon.

Your sanguinea x tomato leaf sanguinea now has a Y!!!!! I just noticed it before I was about to remove the plant from the 2 gallon container to move it up to its final 5 gallon pot. The plant is now about 18" tall. I still can't believe I'm going to have my FIRST BRUG FLOWER THIS SUMMER.

I thought, "I need pollen quickly." and then when I calmed down I realized sanguineas are fertile. I'm so excited I hardly know what to do next.

Liz I'm soooo thankful you were patient with me when I had so much going on.

Did you ever decide on a name for this plant? If so I want to change the tag from "Liz's sanguinea x tomato leaf sanguinea."

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