Only in America Part 2

Grove City, OH(Zone 6a)


1. woman in Texas got $780,000 award after tripping and breaking her ankle in a furniture store. She tripped over her own misbehaving toddler son.

2. Man in LA won $74,000 award and medical expenses when he sued the owner of a car that ran over his hand. He was stealing the hubcaps at the time.

3. Man robbing a house in PA left through the garage, but couldn't get out for 8 days, the family was away on vacation. Jury gave him $500,000 for mental anguish he suffered while being trapped.

4. Man in Arkansas was awarded $14,500 and medical expenses after being bitten by a neighbor's beagle. Beagle was chained in his owner's fenced-in yard, and was provoked by the man shooting it with a BB gun, otherwise the award would have been higher.

5. Woman in PA was awarded $113,500 after slipping on a soft drink and breaking her tailbone (she broke her a**). The soft drink was on the floor because 30 seconds before, plaintiff had thrown it at her boyfriend during an argument.

6. Man in OK bought a new RV, turned on cruise control, left his seat to make himself coffee. The RV crashed. He sued, won $1,750,000 and a new RV because owner's manual hadn't told him not to do this.

And we wonder why owner's manuals tell us "do not operate in your sleep" ? How about "do not operate while brain dead?"

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