Giooseberry Sawfly

Versailles, CT(Zone 7a)

I have two gooseberry bushes and two currant bushes and almost overnight one of my gooseberry bushes has been stripped of leaves - just the fruit hanging there alone. I've identified it as gooseberry sawfly but all the books tell you what to do when you find the caterpillars - not what to do when you find all the leaves gone! I'm spraying the neighbouring bush (the caterpillars are moving in) with pyrethrum and will check the currants also. But what do I do with my denuded bush? Will it grow new leaves and survive or has it had it? Should I spray it, as well?

Versailles, CT(Zone 7a)

Correction. In two hours, before I could get down to spray, the blighters have stripped the second gooseberry bush. I can't get out for the pyrethrum for another two hours so I am keeping my fingers crossed they don't find the redcurrant.

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