English Aquilegia vulgaris

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

These grow in a friend's garden in Kent. She also has wild marjoram, 3 spp of orchids, navy blue violets, cowslips and oodles of other treasures that occur naturally.

Not to mention kestrels nesting in her owl box and nesting turtle doves!

Thumbnail by philomel
Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

What lovely aquilegia! I'd love to walk her garden. Visiting gardens might be one of the few reasons I could find the travel the world. Of course there is not much chance of that, considering I couldn't afford to travel and my poor old feet and back would be aching long before I reached remote spots. So, visiting gardens on the web is a wonderful alternative. Thanks for sharing with me, Philomel.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

I regret that i didn't manage to take photos of all the other plants as they flowered - perhaps next year!

I'll take you on a tour when i've taken more pics anyway Weez.

And this is one for september Mark, there's bound to be something of interest even if the early summer flowers are long gone! - you've met Della already.

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

they are gorgeous, i love our native flowers ;D

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