There's a Unicorn in the Garden: a modern fable

Grove City, OH(Zone 6a)

Mrs. Smith was sitting at the kitchen table eating her breakfast. She glanced out and said to her husband, 'There's a unicorn in the garden.' She resumed eating.

Mr. Smith leaped to his feet and scanned the back yard. He was amazed. 'Where? What color was it? What was it doing?' He got no responses to his many questions, and annoyed, called his next-door neighbor.

'Frank, my wife told me there is a unicorn in the garden! Did you see it?' asked Mr. Smith.

'What? A unicorn? She must have been joking.' Frank hung up.

Mr. Smith then called the neighbor behind him. 'Henry, my wife just told me she saw a unicorn in our garden. Did you see him?' Henry denied seeing anything unusual.

Mr. Smith called all the neighbors, and no one saw it. The next morning, again, Mrs. Smith commented after looking outside 'There's a unicorn in the garden.'

Mr. Smith was fed up. He called his family doctor to come over to check out his wife. When the doctor arrived, Mr. Smith told him that she kept seeing things. Dr. Jones said, 'Mrs. Smith, what do you say?'

Mrs. Smith said 'Doctor, I don't know. My husband keeps telling everyone that he sees a unicorn outside. Ask all the neighbors!' Well, Dr. Jones took Mr. Smith to the hospital and performed a lobotomy.

And Mrs. Smith lived happily ever after.

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