HELP! Orchids Under Attack

Needham, MA(Zone 6a)

My magnificent orchids are being attacked by some kind of bug. There are tiny white creatures that seem to be feeding off the leaves, and here and there I see a very small black bug, flying around them. I've rinsed them off in the kitchen sink, but they keep coming back. Aphids, mealy bugs,etc.? Can I use any kind of pesticide? HELP!


Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

I have used alchol on q-tips to remove lots of bugs from my orchids. Some pesticides can be deadly to orchids and most of them don't reach the root area that is so available to attack also due to the potting media. IMHO, Just keep after the bugs with the q-tips and you will finally control or kill out the population just fine without killing your plant. Lani

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