Need your good thoughts and wishes for a cat.

Austin, TX(Zone 8a)

I had to take Black Kitty, the cat that belongs to the house next door, to the vet today. The house next door is a rent house and he's adopted a series of renters off and on and hangs out at our place between renters or when there's a renter he doesn't like which is the case right now. He's been hanging out on our front porch bench and we've been keeping him fed, but yesterday we found him with a back foot about three times the size it should be. I carted him off to the vet this morning, but they found no puncture wounds, no cuts, nothing to explain the swollen foot and high fever he was running. They gave him fluids and antibiotics, but since our dogs would think he was nothing more than a cool squeaky toy we boarded him there at the vets for the night. They are going to run more tests tomorrow, but it looks he will have to stay at the vets until he is well enough to stay outside on his own... which could be a while. I just couldn't let him suffer and we'll find the means for the vet bill, but any good thoughts and wishes you could send his way for a quick recovery and help to find him a good home (better than our front porch) would be appreciated.

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