2 cats and a dog? your thoughts please (long)

Silver Lake, OH(Zone 5b)

I went to the Humane Society today because I have been wishing for a dog, I miss having the special companionship they give you. I love big sloppy dogs like labs, and fiesty little terrier mixes, and teeny lap dogs... my husband never had a dog, and would prefer a smaller dog that is low-key and isn't "in your face" in attitude or activity...

They showed me a darling little old lady... smallish beagle/basset mix, spayed, sweet tempered... attendant said she is always clean and they have never heard her bark. ???

She gets along with other dogs and has that "laid back" Basset Hound attitude, She is 10 years old, was picked up as an emergency and has a scar on her side where she had a laceration or surgery, no one knows for sure. She needs a bath and a lot of brushing (shedding like crazy) and love... they said that most people want a puppy or younger dog, no one wants an old spinster who might get sick and pass into dog heaven sooner than later.

We have 2 cats, sisters from the same litter, spayed, have never seen a dog. They are almost 2 years old... strictly indoor.

Rosebuddy comes for attention. loves being held and will even enjoy being held upside down... lets me put the Soft Paws claw covers on without a problem, She is open, friendly and ornery, overstimulated quickly... She is a clumsy longhaired tortie.

Mercy is more cautious but both warm up to people they are familiar with pretty quickly.

The Mercy Cat wouldn't THINK of allowing anyone to hold her upside down! She prefers to have 2 feet on the floor. She is immaculate and her only bad habit is munching my plant, which makes her yak on the (new) carpet. However, she never scratches even when a child snatches her from her hiding place and carries her around, she just looks embarrassed! Mercy is the smarter of the two and more graceful. She's a shorthair tortie.

I am wondering if we should adopt this lovely old lady or not. I know I could give her a loving home, I'm a stay at home wife and enjoy homemaking as my occupation... no kids... a big house with lots of room for MANY animals if we so desire. DH says I need something or someone to help me be motivated to walk (I'm supposed to do it for my health)... and we have a fenced yard for those days when I am just in too much pain to do it...

But on the other hand I don't want to freak out the girls, expose them to fleas and ticks (there are many deer and critters in our back yard), etc.

Please... help me with your insight. Thanks...


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