
I was woken up at 6.15 this morning by a coughing and juddering noise about 10' above my head. I got up and poked my head through the curtains in every room, but I couldn't see anything, except cold, wet, misty dawn. The noise went on all the time I was looking. It sounded like a pheasant combined with a large vehicle going past, and by the time I'd wandered around, I thought I might as well find out what it was before I went back to bed. I unlocked the back door and frightened three cottontails in the field behind me, and a couple of crows perched on the electricity cable. We have a flat roofed extension at the back, and I wanted to get out in the back garden to see if the thing making the noise was on the roof. I hadn't got quite far enough to see when it took fright - it was a big fat pheasant. Do you think he spent the night on my flat roof, or was he doing his best to crow like a cockerel from a convenient high point? It was a pretty feeble imitation. At one point, I thought someone was trying to start my son's Land Rover.

Wonder if he'll do it again tomorrow?

Never seen one that high mary, even when they fly, he must have an ID crisis, thinks hes a rooster, lol, let us know if he comes back.

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