Lab test and cat scan

Grove City, OH(Zone 6a)

A young man is out walking his dog which he had ever since he was a little boy. As they were walking down the street the dog darts out in front of a car and is hit. The poor young man sobs, "Oh my poor pal! he can't be dead." The driver picks up the dog, puts him in his car and rushes to the nearest Animal Hospital. While there the Vet tells him, "I'm sorry, but I do believe your dog is dead."

The owner says "Oh, please Doc, he can't be dead! I want another opinion, don't you have someone else around?"

Vet, "Well, I do have a lab in the back, do you want me to see what he says?"

Young man, "Sure thing Doc."

The vet picks up the limp lifeless dog and carries him back to visit the lab, where lives is a huge chocolate Lab.

The Lab comes over, sniffs Rover, looks at him, and throws his paws up to his eyes and sobs. "Doc, poor Rover, we were best of friends, but he's a goner."

Vet goes back to the owner and says, "Sorry, but the Lab indicated your dog is dead." The young man begged for a third opinion. The vet took him to the cat in back.

The vet opened the cage of the meanest cat in town, who came out, sank his claws into Rover's nose, snarled, hissed, and scanned all over the dog, but Rover never budged. The cat said, "Doc," sobbingly, "I'm sorry but Rover is dead."

The vet returned to the young man, "sorry, son, but everything indicates your dog is dead." The young man bowed his head, said it must be true.

"What is your fee?" "$750.00" "What?" cried the outraged owner. "But you didn't do anything!"

The vet replied, "Well, you did want a Lab test and a Cat scan!"

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