July 5, 2002 - Healthy Living

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

So far, so good today. I just got up an hour ago, but that's beside the point. ;o) I've had two bananas with a little peanut butter and my usual coffee.

You're right about it being hard to concentrate - man, it's just been yucky with the humidity! Our house has central air, but we're realizing too late that the unit we had put in is just barely up to the task. On the really hot days like yesterday, it runs constantly and still the thermostat says 76-degrees (and that's in one of the coolest parts of the house). We make use of a lot of fans - can't wait to see the electric bill this month.

I've been editing pictures of the Roundup and posting them little by little. I was going to wait until they were all done and then post a link to them in my journal, but I'd never get them posted if I did that! :)

Here's a picture of my diet elf. Funny, she looks quite a bit like me...Hmmmmm....

Thumbnail by gardenwife
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