So amusing

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

While at my mum's enjoying a cup of tea just now, the bane of her life - a young rabbit - was sharing the lawn with a large flock of starlings. All except one of these starlings were intent on ridding the lawn of leatherjackets. The odd one out had obviously never seen a rabbit before. It kept walking round the rabbit, cocking its head and peering at the rabbit intently, much to the rabbit's discomfiture! Every so often the rabbit would try to take evasive action, but the starling just followed and continued to study the rabbit's every action in minute detail.
It was just sooooo funny :D

Eventually something startled the starlings and they all flew away, but it had made our afternoon!

LOL they are funny birds aren't they! I wonder what he made of the rabbit.

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

about a month or so ago, i had put out a lot of bread scraps and the usual 'angry mob' of starlings arrived on my lawn, the had quite a few babies with them (they were kinda lighter in colour and fluffier)and it was funny to watch how the adult birds taught them how to do things. the babies looked so awkward flapping about !

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Yes, i love starlings - they're sociable and comical. The babies are just so silly, i agree.

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Oh Starlings must count as one of my favourite birds, they are just like a load of Teddy boys, i always buy the cheapo 19p loaves from the supermarket so when i travel about i can just throw some bread and then you get the starlings, they must have a food radar attached to them, it was funny the other day i was in Morrisons supermarket at Widnes so i put bread out for them so they came with their babies which are brown and the babies just sunbathed while mum got the food and took it to them, people had to shoo the babies away to get to their cars.Starlings help to keep our rubbish down so when people throw their food away the starlings are waiting.They give me loads of pleasure as my job is mainly driving from one appointment to another all around Lancashire and Cheshire.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Here in Seward, the ravens are our garbage eaters. They, too are funny birds, walking more often than flying, and grumbling to themselves like disgruntled old men. If any food is left about, they quickly arrive to clean it up.

Of course, there is the problem of tearing up garbage bags and making a mess. Our ravens are about the size of a chicken, and their beaks are quite large and strong. They've learned that white or black plastic sacks can signal food, so they've become a problem at the grocery stores. A bag of groceries in an open truck bed can be very inviting. They can devour a pound or two of hamburger in short order!

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Now there's a scavenger worth it's salt!!
You Americans always have things bigger and better ROFLOL

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Yes, but the English always manage to have things "older". There is such a history to everything. We're such a young country, that being "bigger" is a bit comforting sometimes, not having the known history, the age of so many other countries.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

As long as you're not calling us elderly fuddy-duddies Weez if you would!

Think of all that history and pre-history locked away in the ice :)

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Yes, Philomel, you're right. This land has many fascinating secrets to be revealed. I think it is the sense of history I am referring to. It's sort of a Tupperware world in United States... no old, old buildings, statuary, etc. Perhaps it's just a perception. I'm beginning to feel like a bit of an old fuddy duddy myself. A young man came buy to purchase one of our old cars. He and his girlfriend live up the hill in a blue tarp tent next to the peat bog. He is in his early 20, I think. After he left, Dennis remarked, "I have shoes older than him."

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

ROFL You're such a lovely couple - you really deserve each other. Always the witty remark that is just SOOO apt!!

And i do know what you mean about the tupperware world. I find it hard to imagine, having spent all my life (apart from the odd few days) in Europe.

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