Wanted Lotus Seed

New Albany, MS(Zone 7a)

Would love different varities of Lotus seed. If anyone has any to trade would love to talk with you. Email me at azsteve905@aol.com.



Do you mean Lotus as in Bird's Foot Trefoils?

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

I think he means Nelumbo ;)

New Albany, MS(Zone 7a)

Yes talking about Nelumbo. Water Lotus.

Right thanks Azsteve

Shangshui, Henan, China(Zone 7b)

Lotus is native to China and India.2 varieties:
Common one ,growing in ponds,cultivated mainly to be used as dishes(underground stems),as well as to serve gardening purpose.flowers--giant(from 2.5 --5''),white,yellow,red.
Dwarlf one,growing in pots and bowls,for decoration.flowers(2--4 "),red,yellow,white.
The plants need warm weather and full sun.
There are some seed companies in China sell the seeds.

Shangshui, Henan, China(Zone 7b)

Here is the website:www.yileen.com.cn
If ya have any questions,please send email to me.

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