Can I send bulbs?

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

from USA to Ireland? I have achimenes and someone in Ireland wants them.

Is that me? The Irish government don't seem to mind what comes in, so long as it isn't a fireblight risk. I can only find this information:

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

I've received several varieties of bulbs from the Netherlands to here. Only once did customs open the package, (looked like they used their teeth!} But I would think that if they allow bulbs into this country, they surely would allow them being sent out. Be interesting to find out. Doris

Pernis RT, Netherlands(Zone 8a)

I received bulbs from the states (to the netherlands) and there was no problem there.

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Isn't there just a limit to the amount you can send? Is it the same as when you actually physically bring them back with you and you can only take a limited amount?


I just sent some little corms to Ireland, no problem. They didn't check the package. I made sure they were washed clean and dry and properly packed. I think the main problem is with the US. Our customs department seems to be much more strict.

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