What is a good vine that blooms all day every day?

(Zone 6a)

I have nice morning glory vines, but they only bloom in the mornings......what would be a good substitute.....a similar vine, but one that blooms all day every day? I have had no luck growing clematis, by the way.

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Have you tried passiflora? Or Mexican Flame? Or Campsis Radicans? Or Cross Vine? To name a few.

Lima, OH(Zone 5a)

White moonflower(Datura). Mine opens about 7:00 P.M. and stays until after noon next day, new blooms are getting ready to open by then. Hope this helps.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Mandevilla are nice and the blooms last longer than one day. They come in many colors now. Red/yellow eye, solid red, pinks, and white. For spring and summer, the Orangeglow Vine is really pretty. Clematis, for the most part don't bloom all summer either. To get them to grow though, be sure their feet are covered with mulch. Sand at the bottom of the hole. I don't do much to mine at all, they just perform.

How about a corkscrew vine? Mine isn't blooming yet, but it is pretty and smells good. The snail vine is blooming now and will really go crazy on a trellis in the sun. An inexpensive vine to grow that blooms all summer and fall is the black eyed Susan vine. I start them from seed. Other than water, they are pretty care free. I have a new variety this year and if I get seed from it, I'll send you some. Will post a picture on this forum.

Aimee, what is Mexican Flame Vine?

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

I would like to recommend the campsis radicans or passiflora incarnata. Each, once it begins to bloom, will bloom until frost, more opening each day, until it is COVERED in a mass of orange or purple. Both of these vines are real show-stoppers!

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

How about a potato vine, solanum jasminoides. I have one in a big pot and on a trellis, it could be trimmed and moved in during the winter. They are not really vigorous like some vines, I agree the campsis radicans is gorgeous, but they are a couple of years old before they bloom.

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

My Mexican Flame is starting to bloom now, blooms last a long time and will bloom until frost.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

brugie......here is a link, I had to look it up also:


Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Thanks Kell, that is the vine I have only I didn't know it was called Mexican Flame. Mine has buds that are showing color now, so it should start to put on a show for me real soon. I have to thank Cala for this one. It is a beaut.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

You do grow EVERYTHING!!! LOL

(Zone 6a)

I see it is not hardy here in the north.....suffers below 45 degrees. Very nice looking vine though:)


This message was edited Saturday, Jun 29th 2:16 PM

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Owen, it's not ecen winter hardy here in central Texas, in my experience. Some people told me it was, but my first one wasn't. I, too, have Cala to thank for the one I have now, which is a treasure to me. I can't praise this vine enough.

I failed to mention another vine from Mexico, the butterfly vine, which produces a yellow bloom among glossy dark green leaves, and then the bloom drops off and leaves a green butterfly that turns to brown. It is hardy here, but I think not too far north. I still don't have this one, but my vet in San Antonio does and I intend to steal one from his garden as soon as I am able to go there again. Kay Jones, I didn't forget you and will steal one for you as well.

(Zone 5a)

Try the Black Eyed Susan Vine. It loves full sun and blooms all day everyday until winter, the bonus is you also get a lot of seeds. Here is a picture of mine in Oct,2001 http://davesgarden.com/showforumphoto.php?imageid=5769
See and it was still blooming and continue to bloom right up to the first snow fall.

Wapakoneta, OH(Zone 5b)

Windsurffer...love your Black Eyed Susan Vine....I might have to find one of those. Do you think it would grow where it rec'd only morning sun? I have an empty trellis that needs something. You know when I look at the picture you posted of it, it looks like the profile of a person... Of course, my DH says I have a vivid imagination.

Lima, OH(Zone 5a)


Just imagine how far it is to my house.

(Zone 6a)

windsurfer.....I think that vine might be just what I am looking for:) Do you have to raise it from seeds each year?


Wapakoneta, OH(Zone 5b)

Hibicus...You live in Lima! I imagine it is probably somewhere around 15 miles from my house. I can't believe there is someone in DG that close to me. I am so excited.
Do you know where I can find a Black Eyed Susan vine or is it an annual that you have to plant from seed?

(Zone 6a)

I'm not very far from u guys either. I live in Parkersburg, WV. I would like to raise one of the Black Eyed Susan vines myself....even if have to raise from seeds each year....it is a very pretty vine judging from that picture.

Lima, OH(Zone 5a)

I do not know if they would last through our winters, most black eyed susans do, down by the creek, but don't know about this one, everyone is talking about, probably not.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I'm afraid that you would have to grow them new every year, but they are easy. Just pop some seed in a pot in the house in a sunny window. Keep moist but not soaking wet. They will come up in about a week. I usually start mine about the first of April and by the time I can put them out, they are just getting ready to climb. You could start them a little earlier and put a bamboo stick in the pot and they would get a bigger start on the climb. They also make nice hanging baskets.

(Zone 6a)

Brugie.....sure would love to have some seeds from your vine when they are ready this fall. I usually have good luck starting seeds in the house early in the spring.


Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Remind me Owen. I know I'll be saving seeds, just might not remember why. Actually I only saved about 30 seeds last fall and every one of them came up. Just hope the Blushing Susie will have seeds too.

(Zone 5a)

Thanks to everyone that liked my vine,and Naturegirl your right that is what I thought as well and being a woman of couse I said I found a man in my garden lol.

Oblambert yes you can start it from seeds and it won't survive any kind of frost. I bought another plant of the Black Eyed Susan and the blue one this year only to find out that the flower on the one is white, so now I have a white and a blue one, so I planted the seeds for the yellow one. I now have them all planted in the same spot as the one from last year. The white and blue one are in bloom now but I have to wait a bit for the yellow to start blooming, I just took some out of my hanging basket to put with the others. I think that they can take sun to part shade but they do have to have some sun.

Here is a link to my White and Blue ones, just remember they are still small. http://davesgarden.com/showthread/284421.html

This message was edited Sunday, Jun 30th 4:09 PM

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Windsurffer, have you ever had seeds on the blue TB vine? I never have yet and would love to see them appear. I find it very hard to get cuttings from this vine to root. Have held mine over for three years now, but it is getting a little thin. No bloom so far this year. Don't know what has happened. Last year it was in bloom all the time and heavy.

(Zone 5a)

No, this is the first time I've had this plant but I do want to find out how to get seeds from it. Sorry that I can't help you.

Wapakoneta, OH(Zone 5b)

I found a Black Eyed Susan vine. Turns out a member of the Garden Club I belong to had an extra plant. She had gotten plants at a local nursery.

Now I have to stick it in the ground and hope it grows.
Wish me luck.
I will try to save seed from it this fall.

(Zone 5a)

I know you'll have a large beautiful vine.

Wapakoneta, OH(Zone 5b)

Thanks Windsurfer.....I hope so!!

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