Hattie's No Longer a Hussy ;)

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

We got her spayed yesterday and she's confined to the bathroom for three days so she won't have to deal with playful Emma accidently ripping out her stitches in play!

When we first brought her home, she was eager to get out of the crate and trying to get out of the bathroom. The anesthesia had worn off, but I think enough of the painkiller effect was with her and she felt pretty good. She even jumped clear up on the bathroom vanity, for Pete's sake.

We went out to a party, and when we got home late at night, she was curled up on top of my fabric-covered jewelry box on the bathroom counter. She was obviously not feeling too great and was sore. I let her be. Later, when I went back in the bathroom, she was down in the makeshift litterbox, lying in the litter asleep. What a great spot for a fresh wound, huh?

I took the old pillow cases out of the cat carrier and put them over half the litter in the box so she'd have a place to sleep that was at least a little cleaner and more comfortable. That's where she is in this picture. She'd already done her business and I'd flushed it, so she'll probably confine anything else to the litter-end of the box (hope so!).

Now we have to close the dogs out of the bathroom when we're in there, and they don't like that one bit, being separated from us. They whine and snuffle under the door, hoping to be let in. No way, LOL!

This message was edited Sunday, Jun 23rd 3:53 PM

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