I am welcoming myself back!!!

(Zone 8a)

Hey Ya'll,
I have been really busy last month trying to get my pond water cleared and lost a few fish but managed to save alot of my biggest fish over 3 lbs, one almost banged himself to death and finally found out what was wrong with my water and all! So pond is doing fine now!

Also planned a wedding for my son on June 1st in my back yard and do you believe it was the hottest day we've had so far this year! Whew...it was hot but everything turned out great...I will have to post some pics soon!

It's good to be back home!

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Welcome, Rebecca! So good to see your name again, I thought you were dissing us. Can't wait to see the wedding pics, although I always cry at weddings. I always end up thinking of all the extra laundry, the tub ring, the loss of money to boats and guns and all like that. And these days, I end up thinking how lovely and slender she is and how, well, you know, boo hoo, it's so good to see you.

(Zone 8a)

You are a hoot! Thanks so much Aimee...I'm glad someone missed me but thank goodness you make up for 100 friends! :)


Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Rebecca - nice to see you back with us! Sounds like you've been doing a lot of "juggling" to accomplish everything, and we sure missed you ;)

(Zone 8a)

Thanks GV...it is good to be back and all is going well again!

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