
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

It's keep blooming all summer long :~)

Thumbnail by Shirley1md
Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

That is very beautiful.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks :~)

It is very is to grow. In the summer, it loves to bask in the warm sun, daily watering, & special formulated hibiscus fertilizer, keep it blooming and happy.

In the winter, I bring it into the sunroom, because our temperatures are to cold for it to remain outdoors. I almost can hear it shout for joy when the warmer weather returns, and it can once again frolic in the sunshine!

Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

If it ever decides to really branch out and you trim it back, let me kmow, I would like to have a cutting from it.

Bodrum, Turkey(Zone 10a)

It is gorgeous.

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Beautiful and bright color great and healthy!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks for all the kind remarks.

I'd like to try to root some of this plant. Has anyone taken a hibiscus cutting and rooted it successfully. How did you go about it?


GrannyLois has told me about hibiscus cuttings. She said she just took tip cuttings (with about 3 nodes of leaves), stripped the bottom leaves off and stuck them in soil, and they rooted!

Good luck,

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks Dave! I will follow GrannyLois' advise and try to root some of the hibiscus' tip cuttings. With the humid weather that we always have here in the summer, they should root very quickly. Do you know if she dipped them into any rooting hormone before sticking them in the soil?

Thanks again,

Mobile, AL(Zone 8b)

I use a rooting hormone. Any branch or tip that has broken off will do. I dip in rooting hormone, keep very moist, and keep in a shady area. All the leaves will die off except for the top two or three leaves, the plant will seem dormat for a while, then new leaves will begin to appear. I have a cutting trimmed into a small tree now blooming that is about 3 years old.
Good Luck

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the rooting directions, Jan. I will definitely try my luck and see if I can get some of my hibiscus to "multiply". How long would you guesstimate that it takes from rooting a branch or tip, until you have a well rooted plant in a 1qt. pot?

Mobile, AL(Zone 8b)

I would guess about six weeks. Don't forget to keep it moist

Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

Very beautiful. I have a similar one but there seems to be a problem. The bud forms, when about to open, it dries up and falls down! Disheartening. I bought it from a nursery and it is a grafted plant. He said it will take time to establish. It is now just about foot tall. Anything I have to do with fertilizing?

Mobile, AL(Zone 8b)

That is disheartening. I don't know if fertilizing will help, but I will ask around.
Good Luck

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Now that would keep one cheery all the time inside during the long winters in MD. Just one added suggestion to all the good advise above. I have always had better luck with cuttings if I keep them on a heatmat until I see a bit of growth or with a little tug you can tell they have rooted.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks for all your suggestions. I will give rooting a try with a cutting from this hibiscus. I'll let you know how it turns out.

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