Anyone else watching football .

Biel, Switzerland(Zone 7a)

The score is now 1-1,and my son Marc(the traitor:))is rooting for Brasil!Luckily he is in school right now,or we would be growling at each other.Back on..gotta go(so much for housework this morning lol)

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

brazil win

Biel, Switzerland(Zone 7a)

Waaah!!! I saw it,and cried!well,I am still crossing my fingers for a miracle this afternoon.

Versailles, CT(Zone 7a)

There were a load of Brits and Swiss and one lone Brazilian watching the game in Mr Pickwick's in Lucerne today. The poor Brazilian had left (wise man) by the time the Brits realised they'd lost and it was a deprressed son who returned home this lunchtime.

We didn't cry though, Gwist, just a bit of a sombre lunch.

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

my friend at work (at northumbrian water) is brazilian, and she came to work (a casual day for the football) in her brazil top, complete with flag worn as a sarong, she wasn't very popular by the end, but most wished her luck (after the defeat). i thought she was very brave to stand up for her country in a sea of white and red.

i was nearly in tears, we were so close! anyway, in the end the best team won, (we should have at least got one goal when playing against 10 men!) and our team have learnt lots from the experience so we can beat them the next time we meet them!

mind you, i wish sven had kept owen on the pitch, things might have turned out differently..

Biel, Switzerland(Zone 7a)

Hey Gerddi,I love going to Pickwick's(in Biel,though) during the day to watch the matches!!The U.s. and Senegal both are out now,and I am very unpopular in my own home,mind you :), for rooting Korea on....well Lilith,I hope your friend at work has a lot to celebrate on Tuesday.

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