Anyone Heard of Northerwest Bulb and Perennials?

Paducah, KY(Zone 6a)

Here is the link

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Wow!! Great prices =)) Looks like a great place to try a co-op. They have a ton of perennials too. Geraniums, daylilies, peonies - and the Oriental poppy selection is huge! ... looks like they have it all. I'd be interested in a co-op if anyone wants to take it on.

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

If someone starts this, I'd be interested too. If I'm seeing correctly, you have to order 50 of each to get that price? 50 seems like a lot of one kind of plant.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Not if say, ten people get five of each. That could fill up some acres. Giggle

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Oooo Badseed! Did you see the daylilies they have? Some really great ones - Ida's magic, Strutters ball, Daring deception, Rainbow candy, Raspberry candy, Magic Obsession.....

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Michele, you know how many bare acres I have! LOL! I'm still in, and will take a closer look. Is someone coordinating this or are we just dreaming? I would, but I'm so overbooked that it's not even funny.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

I would go in for some amaryllis.............. and maybe more. Unfortunately my acres are purely delusional on my part.

Paducah, KY(Zone 6a)

I'm game if anyone is up to the challange. I have another
30 foot raised bed to fill.

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

I'm still pooped out from the sib co-op. And I haven't even got all my stuff planted yet. If nobody steps up to bat here maybe I'll consider doing another later on in the summer - or in the fall. After doing the sibs - I think the best way to organize it would be to buy the quantites needed and then offer up what you bought. It was too hard to keep track when there's so many varieties and everyone wants something different.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

yes, but you could get stuck big time. maybe this is a good late summer project?

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7a)

I wonder why not more people participate.

If you buy what first and then offer, you get stuck with a bunch of them. I still have Hosta's coming out of my ears......1100 of them. And at the Co-op you can usually get items for 1/4 of the regular store prices.

If you make the Co-op too small, like in the Fall Bulbs, then you do not stir up any interest and do not come to the required minimum quantities suppliers have.

If you wait, like in the Hosta's, and order by the minimum quantites, then you get a lot of back and forth emailing (look at the sibs communications) to adjust people's order so you do not get stuck with them, but then only a handfull of varieties can be ordered.

The Bearded Iris Co-op is no problem, but then I have about 300 people (of which 30 from DG) that participate versus 7 in the Fall Bulb so far.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I can only personally speak for myself. I would and wish I could participate in each and every co-op. But there is the reality of having five kids and one income. My gardening comes second only to my kids and I guess if I have to pick between groceries and plants, the groceries have to win. LOL You cannot imagine the pain I have seeing all the wonderful bulbs and plants at those prices and knowing I cannot afford them. One of these days though, all my kids will be in school and I will have some extra time and will get a job again, then you all better stand back and clear the way, because this chick will be a plant buying nut job! LOL

Paducah, KY(Zone 6a)

I would like to see a Geranium CO-OP boy would that be fun.

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