
montgomery, AL(Zone 7b)

This is one of my favorite vines. I saw a yellow one at Wal-Mart the other day & didn't get it :( Now I wish I had & it is about 30 miles or so back so I probably won't get there for awhile & all will be gone *sob*

Thumbnail by Sugar_fl
Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

They come in other colors? I had no clue!

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

You be good to your self and go get the yellow one. It will just be working on your mind all the time anyways. Look around your place. Thats probably the ONLY plant you own. You deserve atleast 2 plants. Now. you go. And I want to see a picture of that as soon as you get a chance. tee-hee

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

you are bad....

montgomery, AL(Zone 7b)

mingsmimi, It is the only Mandevilla we have but by far not the only plant.. there is more than 1 album here.
We have 60 some hostas & no idea how many other plants there is or even how many different kinds. I did the winter sowing thing so have lots of plants. I still bought some though. When I came here 2 years ago there was nothing but weeds .. now things is sure different. I bought a couple dozen plant the last trip to town & when I had them all planted I told DH I was all finished.. he said are U really finished or will U ever be finished.. I told him probably never finished as long as I can tend to them. The plants are larger now & quite a few more :)

This message was edited Monday, Jun 17th 9:59 AM

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

Like I said. One BIG HUGE plant

This message was edited Monday, Jun 17th 8:15 PM

montgomery, AL(Zone 7b)

Well, I learned the difference in Mandevilla & Hibiscus today LOL. I didn't even pay a lot of attention to it the other day & a lady was looking at them & called it a Mandevilla. I should have looked twice. Really I am new to tropicals as well as gardening (guess U can tell that). THAT'S MY STORY & I'M STICKING TO IT..BTW
I now have a new yellow-orange Hibiscus.. YES I'm sure that's what it is :D
When we can't laugh at ourselves we are in trouble.

(Zone 5a)

Sugar they sure are beautiful, and your other garden pics are just as lovely. I wonder where my tennis shoes went lol. Have you seen the boot bird houses, I don't have any boots left or I would make one.

montgomery, AL(Zone 7b)

windsurffer I have seen pictures of them. I don't have any boots so used tennis shoes I got at a yard sale. I'm still looking for a pair of work boots. I may have a pair in my shed in VA. If so Xmas they will be coming to FL.

N.C. Mts., NC(Zone 6b)

Where are the boot bird houses? I haven't seen them.

Paxton, FL(Zone 8a)

Sugar_fl, what Wal-mart do you go to? There is one in Chipley only 9 miles away from Bonifay. Or do you live way out in the sticks?

montgomery, AL(Zone 7b)

Ginger we live outside Esto about 13 miles from Bonifay (almost in AL). I like to buy food at Chipley as U know there is no taxes on food as in AL but for other things I like Dothan as I can also go to Lowes & other places. Our Dr is in Dothan too. I don't like the Wal-Mart in Dothan though. It is very different. I don't drive so I am happy to get to any. My DH is very good at taking me where I want or need to go. I came here 2 years ago from VA where if need be I could walk to Wal-Mart which I did several times. It is very different but I love it here.

This message was edited Monday, Jun 17th 9:02 PM

(Zone 5a)

Lizh I think that you can do a search on HG TV and see them, at least that is where I first saw them. Just do a search for bird houses in the arts and crafts dept.

N.C. Mts., NC(Zone 6b)

Thanks windsurffer. I'll do the search.

(Zone 5a)

Your welcome and good luck.

Paxton, FL(Zone 8a)

Yes Sugar, we are right on the line too. We have property in AL and FL. We go back and forth every day or two. We even have a garden in AL although we live in FL. DH has a DR in Dothan he likes. In fact we were there this morning. If you get up early (which I don't as a rule), watch Ann Varnum (WTVY) Thursday morning. Oh, or catch us at noon on Thursday on WTVY. She did two different segments with us.

I love to go to Lowe's or Home Depot. Everything is so much cheaper than our local farm/garden center.

montgomery, AL(Zone 7b)

Ginger by us I take it U mean your DH & yourself. What time is it in the morning? We don't get up to early but can. Are they the same show or different? That is channel 4 Dothan I believe.
I wish Dothan would get a Home Depot. We went to Panama City this one & only time there...I want to go back before too long. They didn't have a HD close to where I lived in VA till after I left. I don't think I'll leave the area for Dothan to get one. *LOL*

Paxton, FL(Zone 8a)

Yes, Sugar, DH and myself. The show is on at 5:30, don't know exactly when during the show our segment will be on. Don't know if I'm gonna watch or not. Don't like to get up that early. There's a different short segment suppose to be on during the noon news I guess. WTVY channel 4 in Dothan.
I sometimes get to Home Depot in Pace or Pensacola. Nooo, you don't need to leave.

montgomery, AL(Zone 7b)

Ginger, I'll try & catch the noon show.. 5:30 is TOOOOOO early for this ole sleepyhead...wish the VCR was working.

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