I just love amaryllis

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Here is one I have had for several years that is giving me much pleasure.

Thumbnail by Kell
Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

She is a pretty one. Where do you keep all your flowers when the temps get low? Does it ever freeze there?

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

I have the amaryllis in pots on the back porch. They are dormant by then so do not seem to mind. I used to keep them in the ground but I could not kill the snails quick enough.......too bad Molly Mouse was not a snailer!!! Yes we have some freezing but usually not for long.

This message was edited Sunday, Jun 16th 11:39 PM

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Very, very pretty.
I didn't even know this forum was here - I've been plunking this stuff in the tropicals forum. Sorry.

Longview, TX

If you want to go in with me Id like to order Picotee.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Hey Kelly333 I just love amaryllis. I can get them to bloom here in the dead of winter when I need some flowers to bloom ... Just love them. Mine are summering over under some yew bushes and barely get sun this time of year. I have to be careful in the Spring not to set them outside too soon They don't like cold temps at all. I had a forgotten little pot that I had in hibernation and forgot to water and sun. I found it when I cleaned out my plant room this spring. When it was put outside it was happy again and bloomed for me.
I usually pick mine up on the after Christmas sales around here. Several were in their last stages of bloom , so I had to wait a year. thought they were suppose to be a peach color , but nope.. more of a white. pretty though.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Kelly333, sure but how do we do this.

Longview, TX


this is under bulbs forum...Im doing a very small coop. 3 cybister Amaryllis is a type one person needs someone to go in on, and I want Picotee. Im ordering from Van Engelens.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

oh sorry Kelly, I am going to put in my own order for Van Engelen amaryllis. I usually want at least 3 of the colors I pick to go in my bowls. They do not give you that much of a price break for multiples and the shipping is high so I donot want to pay shipping twice. sorry!

Longview, TX

no problem Kell

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