Tiny but deadly

..... to insects that is.

This little chap is part of a large colony of Drosera rotundifolia - Round Leaf Sundew on an acid bog not too many miles from home. It's one of three GB native species of Sundew.

Thumbnail by Baa
Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Fascinating plants Baa.
Would need an army of them to make much of an impression on the insect population near a bog i imagine - but every little helps said the little old lady................LOL

There must be a wonderful collection of wildlife and plants there. What else do you have that's a rarity?
are the other two spp of drosera there, or where are they found?

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

NEATO Baa!! Did you know sundews are medicinal? There's a bog close to me too. It does have some fascinating plants. There are picture plants, sundews, cotton grass, native cranberries, and lots of spagnum moss. I love to go there but it's been a while since we've visited it. In the early spring it's too wet to get very far but later in the season it dries up enough to go exploring.

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

I keep trying to grow some but it never works(trying from seed) they are all so neat.Sue,I'd love to see a picture of the bog near your home.


The Forest has a number of interesting, unusual/rare native species and yes all three Drosera reside here, I've only found the one species so far. Utricaria intermedia (Common Bladderwort), U minor (Small Bladerwort), Pinguicula vulgaris (Butterwort) and P. lusitanica (Pale Butterwort) are the other insect eating plants somewhere out there. There is also Gladiolus illyricus; Malaxis paludosa - Bog Orchid; Ludwiga palustris - Hampshire Purslane; Gentiana pneumonanthe - Marsh Gentian; Wahlenbergia hederacea - Ivy Leaved Bellflower; Platanthera bifolia - Butterfly Orchid; Epipactis helleborine - Broad Leaved Helleborine; Neottia nidus-avis - Bird's Nest Orchid; Spiranthes spiralis - Autumn Lady's Tresses; Spiranthes aestivalis - Summer Lady's tresses; Narthecium ossifragum - Bog Asphodel: Eriophorum gracile - Slender Cotton Grass and oh so many more! I doubt I'll find many of them :(

Goodness knows how many lichens, ferns, mosses and trees. I'm dreadful at identifing birds and insects (you must be right about the tiny sundews LOL) but apparently it's a great place to see those too ;) Not keen on coming across the Stoats, Weasels and Adders though!


No I didn't know they were medicinal! Do you have any more info on that? I'd love to hear more about the bog near you, I wonder if they have similar genus populations.


I had trouble growing Drosera from seed too.

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