What is wrong here?

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Just wondering why my clematis has yellow leaves. Actually, the color of the blooms isn't good in the picture because I was taking the picture in the shade just a few minutes ago and it was a bit dark there. Anyway, if someone can tell me what is wrong and maybe what I can do to cure this yellow leaf problem, I'd sure be a happy camper.

Thumbnail by Brugie
Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

I wish I could help you but I have no idea. I know it sure is a beautiful bunch of blooms.

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

Maybe the soil,I was dumping ashes in a spot in the yard that use to be a garden,the only thing really growing there now is violets.They now have yellow leaves with dark green veins.......

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

The first two or three years I had this vine the leaves were green. The last two years it has done this. I wondered if it was a virus or something that I should beware of since I do have other clematis near by.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Brugie, sometimes the pH gets too high, but clematis usually like higher pH. There is a virus that the clematis salesman told me about. I'll see if I can find the info he gave me.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Thanks Cala, it isn't getting any better........if I have to look at yellow leaves I will because if it is a virus, the spot will do the same thing to the next one. Darn!!

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Atleast you have tons of flowers! Mine has never gotten so many, lucky you!

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Kell, the flowers are pretty but the foliage distracts from them. It looks kinda pretty by itself. Yellow and that Rose color do now look good together.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Yes, I can understand that Shirley. It is vigorous though. Mine are wimps!

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Did you plant deep with sand in the hole and cover the roots to keep them cool with a bark mulch or anything that will help cool the area?

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

I do plant them behind another plant so they have their roots cool, but i did not know about the sand. Should I plant them below the dirt line of the pot they came in? And I always do not know if I should prune them. I forget which ones they are. This year I pruned my best one early spring and it is just now grown enough that it is setting its first blooms, very late for california.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

It looks as though this guy could do with some Iron Chelate or Potassium..try it, it generally works...Sometime these vines do this if stressed!!!! Elaine

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I found this, they said it's iron or magnesium deficiency. http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/clematis/faq.htm#q8

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Okay everyone, tomorrow I play doctor and get out the chelated iron.

Cala, thanks for the site. I'm going there right now.

Kell, I use the sand so that the roots don't stand in water if it rains a lot. I do plant them several inches deeper than the pot line. They will send up more shoots if you do that. I too don't know about which ones need to be pruned and when, but I did see another thread in here about just that. So far, I've been lucky in just cutting them all back to knee high each fall. Even Nellie Moser bloomed well for me and I know she doesn't want a hair cut every year.

Mine appears to be the iron problem but I'm going to use the epsom salts too. Can't hurt anything that I know of. Thanks.

This message was edited Sunday, Jun 16th 10:26 PM

(Zone 5a)

Cala hit it on the head, mine were doing the same thing, I just added some epson salt to them and they are doing fine.

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