maple tree seeds

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

i am now cleaning up the thousands of maple tree seeds (the helicopters) that have fallen from my maple trees into my garden beds. with them i'm also getting my bark mulch.
question? can i put this in my compost pile and will the seeds deteriorate and not sprout? i know most will sprout in the compost pile itself, and i would imagine deteriorate from there. i will be putting grass on top of it too, as my dh mows the yard. several maple trees are right over where the compost pile is and i've never seen or had a problem with any of the dirt that has come out of it. mostly is is just layered leaves and grass from the yard, and whatever else falls into it, from the woods. i hate to throw away all that good mulch, but i will if it means those seeds will grow and prosper in my new soil for another day. i personally find these seeds to be my personal nightmare each year. all my trees are maples. ahhhhhh and they cover my garden beds. but the trees are sure beautiful, provide great shade and are gorgeous in the fall.

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