More blooms or bare spots?

montgomery, AL(Zone 7b)

My Cleome look like they are about finished blooming. There is still just a few blooms left. If I cut the seeds off will they bloom again? Also my Statice & Chinese Forget-me-nots. Am I gonna have bare spots in my beds?

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

I can't believe your cleome is through blooming!!?? Once it starts it blooms all summer here... and I never worry about trimming off seed pods. Are you sure it's cleome? The Chinese forget me nots tend to be a short show. They might put out a few more flowers if you deadhead them. I'd also deadhead the statice. It's been a long time since I grew statice but I remember it bloomed for most of the summer. I used it alot for drying so maybe cutting it kept it going.

montgomery, AL(Zone 7b)

poppysue, being a new gardener I didn't pinch the plants so I just got 1 stock & no branchs for each cleome. Yes, I'm sure that's what it is. I have about 7 or 8 plants in a 5 gallon pot. I can't see where they will bloom more. I have learned a lot this year already. I need to learn more about pinching. I didn't pinch anything & some did fine & some didn't. Guess I'll soon pull up the C-forget-me-nots & put something else there. The cleomes being in pots will be easy to take care of. The statice I'll wait & see. I wish I knew which plants would bloom all summer. BTW do wave petunias need dead heading?

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Your wave petunias will go all summer. No deaheading required. You might want to trim them and shape them up a bit if the get scragly.

With cleome... that's how the grow. They make one flower stalk - and the flowers keep growing up the stalk. The plants get taller as the flowers grow up. Eventually they put out side branches with more flowers that grow in the same manner. If you pinch them you're cutting off the future blooms. The plants will have seed pods and flowers at the same time. The first flowers will be making seeds while at the top of the branch new flowers are still coming. Your plants might have stopped blooming from excessive heat, drought, cold or whatever. I'd let them be and see if they'll put out some side branches. Normally they go all summer long here. maybe you are babying them too much? They're a very tuff plant and do just fine when neglected.

montgomery, AL(Zone 7b)

OK, maybe mine will continue blooming..I sure hope so. I just never saw them before..I do water them everyday but with the heat here I think they need it being in a pot. How about fertilizer? I have 1 time but not a heavy fertilizer.. only about 1/2 strength.
Thanks for all the info :)

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