philomel! Do I have a staman?

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

Don;t know where to look. I crossed off petal. leaves, stem. roots. not too much left here!

Thumbnail by mingsmimi
Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

No i hadn't found this mings. Yes, you've got the stamens there thanks. They're the creamy filaments in the centre of the flower.
That's much clearer thanks. Had they been completely cream coloured it would have been Barbara Jackman, but they're dark on the ends. Your clematis is Marcel Moser. Weaker growing and fades more than BJ, so if you grow it in a shady spot it will keep its colour better.
It's in group 2 (or B) for pruning, so in Feb/March cut out dead growth and shorten all the remaining shoots to the first pair of strong buds.

Lovely photo :)

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

philomel. thanks! I knew where it was. really!!!!! lol!!!! I was planning on moving it farther up the fence once that is painted after the July 4th. So. that woudl be a better sot. more shade. WOW! SO glad I know its name. I am making up a chart of all my clematis and keeping track of them so I know who and how. I have about a good dozen. All in various stages. have a Madame Julia something or other getting ready to open. ANd that one I took from my neighbor that moved it coming so nicely. It must like it at my house. Better than lliving in an empty house.

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