something bugging you????

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Jerry Baker's "Bug Be Gone".

1 c. Murphy's Oil Soap
1 c. brown antiseptic mouthwash
1 c. chewing tobacco juice

Mix all ingredients together in a 20 gal. hose end sprayer, and soak your plants to the point of runoff.

*To make chewing tobacco juice, take 3 fingers worth of chewing tobacco and place in the toe of a nylon stocking, and place the stoking in a gallon of boiling water. Let steep until water is dark brown.

Be kind to our environment!!



Interesting recipe. It made me recall a pest lecture at college where by we were introduced to the idea that nicotine is a very effective insect killer, of course we know that it's a very effective killer full stop. Even a tiny amount of pure nicotine can kill an adult human. The organic principle problem I am thinking of is the harm it could cause to beneficial insects as well as us gardeners.

Any information on how to apply this safely? I assume that it should never be used on edible crops.

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

That is my problem with all of Jerry's 'recipes,' they border on the not quite organic/not quite safe. Tobacco juice is poison, period. It kills all insects and can make small children and pets ill. But it sounds do good when he's supporting PBS and talking about his granny. Aside from that, why mouthwash? The oil soap I understand, but mouthwash? Sorry "eyes," his stuff always gets me to wondering and wandering off on tangents, bug strewn of course! lol

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

I dunno why mouthwash......maybe to contradict the effects of the tobacco juice. I don't know which poison would be worse .......nicotine or DDT!!! As far as applying it safely, I would trust that one would use some judgement...gloves, hose end sprayer, long sleeves and pants, and a dust mask!!


Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Then just might be to get the bad taste out of the little buggers mouths!!



Maybe the mouthwash is to mix with the oil like an alcohol so it spreads thinly rather than acumilating in globules. I agree, I don't think this is a very organic or safe recipe. (sorry Eyes!)


LOL at least the bugs die with fresh breath

My question was academic since chewing tobacco is a rare find here. Also you are applying logic to people and it doesn't work LOL. I've known too many people who should know better go an handle chemicals or machinery without the proper equipment even though they know the dangers :) Known a few die from their 'wisdom' too.

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Too true, Baa, too true!!


Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Nother bit about tobacco - it can contain some nasty viruses.... Tobacco mosaic virus is one. By spraying it on other plants there's a good chance you'll be spreading the virus to them. Nicotiana could spread a virus to a brug or your tomatoes.

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

I knew it would the maters..........never gave a thought to the brugs.........thanks girlfriends, from stopping me. Anyone want a chaw of tobaccy???


Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

Okay, 'eyes' - confession time - I have had a package of chewing tobacco sitting down in the cupboard for the last 4 years. I bought it, thought better about it, now what do you do with it? Off to the dumpster, I guess. I'll just keep feeding those bugs my lovely

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Poppysue - I was just thinking the same thing. There's no way I'd put any tobacco products around my plants because of that. I don't much trust Mr. Baker for the most part.

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Me too, Kathleen!!


Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

IF HE is the MASTER GARDENER......hmmmm

I'd better not finish what I was thinking. I don't really have much respect for this showman.

Am I being too harsh??

(Zone 5a)

Kathleen the mouth wash kill germs and as as far as the tobacco is concern I can understand your worries but like anything else you put in your garden, you wouldn't let your children near it. It will dry and therefore will not be harm anyone, if you spray it at night you will only get the bad bugs.

Poppy the mouthwash counter acts the problems with tobacco virus so it will cause no harm to your plants. This is one of his methods that I have use for the last two years

This message was edited Monday, Aug 4th 9:07 PM

OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

Have also been using this going on my second year.

Here is the full recipe:
"Squeaky Clean"
1 cup antiseptic mouth wash (the brown stuff)
1 cup Tobacco Tea
1 cup Camomille Tea

1 cup Plant Shampoo:

1/3 cup baby shampoo (soil softener)
1/3 cup Murphy's Oil Soap (insect killer)
1/3 cup lemon scented liquid soap (cleaser & repellent-washes polution off the foliage; encourages photsynthesis PLUS thin by 50% with one cup of water

1 cup human U. (the older, the stronger, the better)

Use a hose end sprayer at this rate: 1 tsp to the quart - 1 T to the gallon - 1 cup to 20 gallons

Now i know that the rate of exchange for Jerry's Tonis is 32 Oz. per 20 Gallons or 1.6 Oz. per gallon. My Ortho Hose End sprayer holds 40 Oz. of fluid so I can make the correct adjustments without buying Jerry's hose end sprayer.

(Zone 5a)

TLC the old methods are the best as far as I am concerned. Our great grandparents used a lot of them and look at all the success they had.

OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

Well, even though I use it . . I've still seen a lot a black crickets this week but very few bites out of my plants. Jerry Baker also suggests you use a system insecticides made by Ortho.

But I have not seen cat! So maybe those moths and butterflies I see flying around don't light in my yard for that purpose.

(Zone 5a)

Nothing is fool proof but if you spray you garden and whole yard with a clean up tonic a month before planting then you won't have as many problems, but this is MHO.

OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

I am always willing to do anything that will help; I know that most bugs are supposedly beneficial but I really don't like bugs at all.

(Zone 5a)

Lol, I don't mind them as long as they are the good one like this one.

Thumbnail by windsurffer
OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

That little guy is cute! Praying mantis? (sorry, I really don't know my bugs very well) And I do like the little blue dragon flies that come through our yard.
Its the flies, mosquitos, spider,crickets that I don't like.

(Zone 5a)

I'm with you on that one but I do love crickets, they are suppose to bring good luck.

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

I am wondering if this will kill the spotted cucumber beetle (yellow with black spots or stripes). I have been trying to zap them with insecticidal soap, they are fast and move quickly.

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