Bailey's Picture

Oak Ridge, NJ(Zone 6a)

Hi Gardenwife
This is a picture of Bailey and Zoë's in the background. Bailey was adopted from the pound a day before she was to be euthanized at only 1&1/2yrs old. (We originally went to pick up another dog, but when I saw her, she was so pathetic, I took her instead) She was sick & about 35 lbs underweight. It took me almost 6 months to get her healthy again. She still has some scars from the beatings received at her last home. The vet said her back legs will probably remain somewhat bowed, possibly from the small cage she was kept in, and/or from her poor diet. Bailey now enjoys a very large, fenced in yard where she, and Zoe, can run, play, have fun and never have to worry about being fed, or beaten. Bailey's now almost 4 and Zoë's 19 mos.. My girls are great!!!!

Thumbnail by Dorise
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