What's happening in Dave-land

Well, time to spill the beans. On October 14th, my brother and I were laid off from the computer company we worked for. I had a senior level job there, and had been there for a year. This has caused me to become quite busy (as you can imagine) over the past week and a half as my wife and I try to decide what we're going to do now.

Here's the decision we've made:

1. I'm not going to take any other job.

2. Spend more time on davesgarden.com. This means that I am now going to have even more time working on this site!!

3. We're going to start a professional nursery company, where we grow and sell plants to local businesses and people. This fulfills our dream of many many years (as you can imagine!)

4. We're moving away from Atlanta, to Knoxville, TN. The reason for this move is that the Atlanta area is definitely not the place for what we want to do. We are hard pressed to find a 5 acre lot with no restrictions here for $500,000. We can get 25 acres in Knoxville for half the cost.

So: that what I'm up to. I wanted to let all my friends know that change for me is in the air, but that it's only effect on davesgarden will be that I can now spend more time on it than before!!


MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Dave, sorry for the loss of your job, but...opening up the opportunity for your dream is truly a blessing!!! I would love to have a Nursery, greenhouse business, unfortunately there is one on every corner in this state, and moving for us is out of the question.

Is also a blessing for us...now everytime we visit this site there will probably be something new/different. :)

GO DAVE!!! Best of Luck, and if you need help/support you know you can get it from your friends here!

Wentworth, SD(Zone 4a)

It is so nice that you and your family get to do something like this that you love. I know you will do well at it. Better than well, you will do great! Thanks for everything that you have done here and for everything to come.

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Dave I'm sooooo jelous! Just imagine 5 acres to plant!

Elizabethton (Stoney, TN(Zone 6b)

Anytime anyone moves to Tennessee, it's a wonderful thing. I hope Dave and family will be happy there for many *months* (this is a private joke - they move pretty often!)

I know the princess Katie is eager to be living closer to her GrannyLois!~!

Dave, suggestion for the future: how about a "dave's garden meet" at your greenhouse once you're set up. We could trade plants and seeds and have a good ol' time. People could tour the UT Ag. dept. gardens and other sites in Knoxville. Wouldn't that be fun!

A Dave's Garden party, hosted by your always cordial host, Dave. :)

For those not in the know, GrannyLois is the granny of Katie, who is my daughter, which makes GrannyLois... my mom!!!! The flash of light you see around you is the lightbulb going on as everyone realizes our private jokes.

The words out.

A dg party would be heaps of fun, for sure. I wonder how many people would be able to come? Would our new friend in the Netherlands come? How about all our friends up North, out West, and down South?

In any case, we're a ways from that. It would be fun, though - we'll see what happens I guess.

As for the "many months" comment: I have moved my family 7 times (soon to be 8) in the past 4 years. We're restless people~!

I forgot to mention our new friend from Ireland. We can't forget her. And let's not forget our friends up in the Great White North, 'eh? :)


I am so happy for you! And, I've been looking for an excuse to go to Tennessee...

I wish you all the best and I hope this ends up being the best thing that ever happened to you!

(Oh, and look, I finally figured out how Dave got Katie's picture)

GrannyLois, he's SUCH a good kid ;)

See ya!

Ashland, OH(Zone 6a)

You just let me know when and where,Dave! In the meantime I'll be savin up those pennies for a plane ticket to Tennessee! *lol*

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