Clematis Gypsy Queen

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I love this one. I just love vines, lol.

Thumbnail by Calalily
Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Very pretty. I don't have this one, but do have a couple of Jackmanni. They are pretty showy too. Love just about any clematis. Especially that one you posted a picture of that is red. I hope mine will be red when it blooms. You should see how the Senecio Confusus vine you sent me is growing. It will be beautiful if nothing happens to it. I'm so happy to get it and all the other things you have sent me.


Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

You're welcome Brugie. I wish I was good at starting clematis vines. I would love to have them everywhere. I was at Home Depot today and they had that Asao clematis, and I forgot to go back outside and get it!! Just paid for my sprinkler and left!!

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Cala, I ran out of places to put the clematis. I don't really like to put two of them on one trellis, but I had to this year. I did put one of my passifloras, Coral Glow, at the base of my Bluebird Rose of Sharon. Thought that might be pretty and it saved me a trellis for one of the other clematis I bought this year. I'm becoming adicted to so many plants and like you, I love vines.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Brugie, I do that too. I've put annual vines in with the clematis. I also plant my clematis at the base of shrubs or trees that are airy enough to let the blooms show. They look great growing up thur a butterfly bush.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I never thought of using a butterfly bush, but that might not work here unless the clematis is one that can be cut back. Our butterfly bushes have to come back from the roots every year. Sure is something to think about though.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I forget that they do that. My cousin has one growing in an upright holly bush, it's pretty when it blooms and people are always asking "What kind of bush is that?"

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Jim and I just planted my holly bushes today. They are only about 1-1/2 ft tall, so that won't work, do you think? :-) I've planted so much stuff that I don't care to plant another thing if I can get by with it. However, just in anticipation, I bought two more bags of ProMix and three bags of cow manure. By the way, HG is doing great and so is Whiskers. I'm crossing my fingers that I might be lucky and get some bloom this year. Thanks so much.

Franktown, CO(Zone 5a)

Brugie, is your bluebird rose of sharon kind of purple? I was hoping they look like their

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Deanne, mine is really just blue. I love it, but it drops seeds and I have a time getting them out in the spring. They are still coming up now.

Franktown, CO(Zone 5a)

Thanks, I got cuttings starting and someone said they were lav not blue...thanks, I was hoping they really were blue!

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