Big patch of ballon flower

Zone 6, OH(Zone 6a)

Very nice plant and very hardy here...doing great :) NOT easy to move. Plant it where you want it!

Thumbnail by hczone6
Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

I got very lucky. I wanted my tall white moved from where it was. I didn't know it had that big tuber. I divided it into 3 plants, and they are all looking good. Glad I didn't know it's rep first :)

Zone 6, OH(Zone 6a)

Yep, those roots are killer! Very brittle it seems too. it's easy to break it apart and chip it all up if you're not careful.

Cleveland, OH(Zone 5b)

Wow! mine are such tiny things right now! How long did it take yours to get to that size? When does it flower and for how long?

Zone 6, OH(Zone 6a)

These have been in this spot for about 3 or 4 years. I bought them in quart containers. I'd say they will be blooming in about 2 weeks or so. They blooms usually last about 1 and on. New blooms come along to replace the old ones and then it finally slows down and doesn't do much after that. There seems to be a few blooms here and there throughout summer.

they are such a pretty flower. Mine have been blooming for a couple of weeks now and are just full of blooms.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Balloon flowers/platycodon are funny. The first year from seed, they tend to be floppy, but after going thru a dormant period and chilling of winter, they grow upright from then on. That's a nice clump. If you need to move them, it's easier and more successful if they plant is dormant.

Gee,I have mine in a pot but think I will need to plant them in the ground come this fall. I put em in a pot cause just don't have all that much shade for them to be in to stretch and grow. You think if I transplant mine into a larger pot this fall that they will be ok? Or would it be best if they was in the ground. Like I say,I don't have much shade to speak of,except right behind the house and that is getting full as I have a couple of elephant ears planted in back and a few other things that I have in pots as well.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Coco, they will grow in full sun here. They aren't too picky about the amount of sun they get. If you have a partly shaded area to plant them in this fall, you could do that, or just put them in a bigger pot. They seem to grow fine in a pot as well.
I've got some dwarf blue ones too(can't remember the name right now) I really like them at the front of the border.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

my dwarf blues are in full bloom and they are gorgeous. When I moved the whites (Cala, I did move when dormant, that's how I got lucky I guess) the blues spread out and took over the bed they are in. I love them cause they're so forgiving.

The ones that I have are; Platycodon Grandiflora and it does say half sun and half shade. It says tolerant in full sun in northern areas but to plant in part shade in the warmer climates and this diffently a warmer climate....behond warm in the summer months.
Mine say height: 6-8 inches.
Space: 9 inches
So that tells me that they won't get as big as the ones shown here; but then I have had information on the tags to be a bit leading at times

White ones....going have to look and see if I can find some around here. I just love these flowers. My daughter and grandkids where here Saturday and she thought those where fake flowers that I planted in a pot.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

I have that one CoCo and it's in full sun. takes our hot dry summers very well. it never falters.

Thanks tig and Cala for all the information. I just thought with the Texas summers, that it would cook it, and I mean to well done. Right now,it does get all the morning sun and really does well but was just afraid to plant it out in that full summer sun. By golly,I think it will be moved this fall.
Thanks again :}

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

or maybe just try a piece of it in full sun before you move the whole thing. If it's doing good, you might leave it until it's mature. (or is it already?)

Palmyra, VA(Zone 7a)

I had mine in full sun. I started them from seeds, a few came back this spring.

Zone 6, OH(Zone 6a)

Mine is basically full sun and it gets about 3ft tall.

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