plants turning light green

Humansville, MO(Zone 6a)

my tomatoes leaves are going light green and looks like on to yelow all but the very top looks like a soil problem but am running out of ideals as to what any help out there
thanks for any ideals had 5-24-24 in the spring and lime
it may be to wet but don't have any curl didn't but epsom salts in hole got to big of a hurry

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

dave, you might try using a bit of "junk-food-for-plants" (otherwise known as Miracle Gro.) Mine are doing the same thing, and as I recall, they did it last year, too. A couple waterings with good old liquid fertilizer and they were much darker green and thriving.

(And if you happen to have compost tea or manure tea sitting around, that might be even better :)

Chicago, IL

Go-vols, could you please explain more about "junk-food-for-plants"?

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Sorry, that's just my strange sense of humor coming out. I consider Miracle-Gro (soluble plant food) to be like junk food - it gives a quick (but not sustained) burst of energy to plants. I wouldn't feed myself a steady diet of junk food, and I don't feed my plants a steady diet of Miracle-Gro. But every now and then, it has its place.

Humansville, MO(Zone 6a)

got a cattle tank full of compost tea from some hay that got wet it was made last year but should be good do you think a quart a plant would be enough i would use junk food but don't want that much water run on the garden it may be dry enough to grt to by fri thanks dave

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

dave, you might ask Horseshoe for an idea of how much to apply; I'd guess it's going to depend on the srength of liquid :)

Chicago, IL


Thanks for the info on Miracle Junk. I just wanted to know what the effects of that stuff does, as you first implied. Your analogy was perfect. Time to convert the in-laws, who keep blabbing about it.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Howdy. A tank full of compost tea! Wow! You're rich!
Perhaps since your ground is so wet it would be best to use the tea in a sprayer and feed the foliage. Mix up a good batch (strain it good)and spray when the sun is off the plants. Wouldn't hurt to put in some Epson salt along with it. That'll green up up nicely and also encourage flowers to come on!

Humansville, MO(Zone 6a)

thanks shoe and vol for the help i think we will use the spray tomorrow and then see what it does the plants are starting to green up on top and stay that way so maybe the worst is over it is drying out finaly tilled for 1 1/2 hr this morning maybe i can get the rest of the garden in by mom before it has a chance of rain again

(Zone 6a)

Sounds to me like your leaf yellowing problem was caused by too much water. I have seen it when tomatoes were planted in slightly swampy areas.


Humansville, MO(Zone 6a)

owen that was what i though too but was just getting ideals as to help that area holds water in the spring and we had 1 1/4 in right after i planted and it was barley dry enough to plant it is now drying up the locol weather said they were 4 in above norm and we beat them by 4 more not a good spring to plant got back in yesterday and it is good old southern clay

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Just had a question from a friend today on this very subject. Now I can sound like an expert! Thanks everybody!

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