Kitten in my woods

Rutherfordton, NC(Zone 7a)

Two nights ago as I sat on my porch I heard a cat meowing but took little notice. Last night, after a Memorial Day cookout, the four of us remaining heard it again, this time more insistently. My nephew and I went into the woods and eventually I saw it under a log. It is a little kitten, obviously lost. It ran, of course. I went back once but it eluded me. Then it got too dark to see it. All night I have heard this kitten which finally made it to my house. I have put a bowl of milk out at the edge of the woods but don't know how else to get it to come closer. I think I have called out to it every two hours all night. Any suggestions on how I can get it close enough to me to pick up? I hesitate to put too much food or water out there because of other wild animals. (Yesterday morning a gray fox was standing in a clearing near the house.)

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