green calas

Bodrum, Turkey(Zone 10a)

love this one

Thumbnail by pebble
Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

oh wow, how neat :)

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Pebble is this a calla lily? Where did you get it?

Bodrum, Turkey(Zone 10a)

HOniBee, it is a calla lilly, called "green godess" I got it at the garden show last year.

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

KEWL BEANS Pebbles!!!!


Bodrum, Turkey(Zone 10a)

lol eyes..

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

I want one.

Bodrum, Turkey(Zone 10a)

As I keep looking at this cala, I have realised that as time passes, the center gets whiter and whiter, I will try to get another shot of it, to show how much whiter it has gotten

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