Eurovision Song Contest - Tallin 2002

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

They begin tomorrow at 22:00 (UTC +0300), so it's same time here than in Tallin. It's only about 80 km from us, I think =) Have you already voted you favourite? ;)

Someone had cracked the site or something and given Macedonia full points. Just week ago it was one of the most disliked. :/

Thumbnail by Evert
Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Norway nil points comes to mind

LOL Mark

I didn't even know Eurovision was on. Time to get soem books out of the library methinks

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Mark, Finland hasn't ever won either ;) 6th place hs been the best, or was it 5th? --

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Now it is Finland's turn!! Keep your fingers crossed for Laura ;)

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Deblynn, did you see when Danmark's contestant was singin, when some Finns had a large textile poster there which said 'Suomen aika voittaa' - 'Finland's time to win'. :D

No, Evert, we didn't watch it this time. Didn't like Denmark's song. I just peeked in and the woman hostess' voice drove me NUTS!!! I had to turn it off but since Finland has a chance, I'll turn it back on and try not to hear her. :-)

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Never fear, my hubby is sat in front of the TV watching it, he said Malta was getting most votes, does not interest me, i like good music. LOL Like some programmes who show highlights from the shows over the years and they are funny. Abba did a song for Sweden but it was not picked to represent them this was a year before Waterloo. Still its nice for these old USSR satellite countries to have their independence at last.

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

LATVIA WON!!! Yipee, the latvian girl was so nice, and song was - well, ok ;)

Deborah, Denmark was the last one.. this year. But at least you have won! We've never won, and now we cannot be in Riga next year!!! :(((( I hated Lauras dress, she has got a strange dresser I think ;)

Now, let's see who wins next year. And then on 2004 when we are in again :}

By the way - I think it is wrong that Spain, UK, France, and some other countries automatically gets to the competitions! Why?

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Because its these countries who provide most of the money to keep it going.

Hubby says Malta was robbed, Estonia gave Latvia full points and as usual Greece gave Cyprus full points and Cyprus gave Greece full points too, hubby kept giving me a running commentary, he did not like this song.

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Ahhå. So it's money again.. :|

I think it is good that Latvia and these usually 'not so well known countries' in the Europe win.

Jesteburg-Wiedenhof, Germany(Zone 8a)

the biggest record markets in Europe are:
1. Germany
2. UK
3. France
4. Spain (yes for the last 3 years, even bigger than Italy)

These countries actually run the Grand Prix, paying the money which keeps it going, and therefore cannot be relegated out of the competition.

The fact that 'smaller' nations have such success is good for the general music scene in Europe. In the olden days, it was nearly always UK, France and Italy who won it nearly every year, but that control was stopped by ABBA with 'Waterloo'.

In the 50's, an Italian song came out, which didn't win it, but became one of the biggest selling songs of the decade, 'Volare´'.

All the best


Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Ofcourse, cause there are most of the people ;) Here is only 5,1 million.

Well, maybe better luck on 2004. ----

Did you hear by the way - the Laura's horrible 'parachute shirt' was delivered from France and it cost over 2000 € :O

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