lemon balm & oregano

Whittier, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi! I am cleaning my herb garden, and I have some lemon balm and oregano that needs thinning. I would be happy to trade or send them for postage.

*****IMPORTANT! PLEASE NOTE: MY HERB GARDEN IS STILL A MESS!!!!!!!!!!!! (and driving me batty!) It has been almost 2 months since I posted this, and a few of the people who wanted me to save them plants have yet to send postage, although they responded to my reminder emails and said that they would, and were still interested... I have not heard otherwise from them. If you posted and still want any, or have just seen this and expressed interest, I NEED the postage by FRIDAY, JUNE 8. Postage will be $3.95 for priority post, please send stamps only, no cash, etc. For those of you who may be procrastinators, that means you should drop it in the mail by Friday, June 1 (the end of this week) to give the mail enough time to get to me. I am being a stickler on this because I absolutely cannot wait any longer to clean my herb garden. I will be mowing, digging and composting anything that remains after the deadline has past and I have sent out boxes. Postage received after June 8, and not mailed by June 1, (as shown by the postmark) will be returned at the original senders cost. If you cannot mail the postage by then, perhaps you should contact Quynh, who was nice enough to offer her lemon balm, too. (see down thread) I am not trying to be a control freak about this, and would love to share the plants, however, I find waiting almost 2 months for people to send postage rather galling. Spring cleanup has turned to summer cleanup, and it is HOT here already. On the brighter side, most folks were very timely about mailing theirs, which I really appreciated. ******

This message was edited Sunday, May 27th 10:56 PM

Carlton, OR(Zone 8a)

I would like lemon Blam for postage.

Sidney, MT

I would like a bit of each for postage if you stillhave some available. Lyndee

Port Huron, MI(Zone 5b)

I, also would enjoy recieving both if they are still available.Thanks , and just email me so I can send whatever postage we need. Thanks Sandy

markleysburg, PA(Zone 5a)

If any available please let me know Thanks

mystic, CT(Zone 6a)

if their is any left email me at geoffff@snet.net and let me no what you want for postage

Kingsville, OH(Zone 5a)

Anything left eamil me at tom_kat_1974@yahoo.com
Thanks Tom

Tilton, NH(Zone 4a)

If you have any lest I would love some, you can reach me at philncdr@ gsinet.net. I can either send you postage, or would you like some daylilies?

Thanks, Cedar

Olympia, WA

if you run out of lemon balm i have tons. oregano too but not as much.

Murfreesboro, TN

Do you still have the lemon balm? I would love to have some for postage if you are interested. I don't have a lot to offer for trade right now since I am just starting out landscaping my new yard. Thanks, Susan

(Zone 3a)

Quynh, I would love some Lemon balm, I grow only indoors and would make a great addition. Please e-mail me the cost.

Woodbourne, NY(Zone 5a)

I'm in mosquitoe hell here, and would love as much lemon balm as I can collect!! I adore fresh oregano also. Please let me know if I have any trades you might like or postage.

Endless torrential rain here has kept me out of the garden all week, but I'm hoping to get trade packages off on Tues. (sorry everyone!).

Please let me know! (I'll email you, too.)

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