April 7 2001

southeast, NE

Good morning! Where is everyone today? It was a long night - lots of storm warnings and wind. I think the only damage we had was the loss of a few sheets of tin off of the old barn roof. But with the wind, the dog barking off and on, worrying about two cows that are close to calving and allergies bothering me, I wondered if morning was ever going to come. My poor dh had to go to work and I was able to go back to bed for a little while. Our church is having a garage and bake sale today. I will probably try to pick up some goodies. Tomorrow I am headed to my parents for an early Easter celebration. DD can't go because she has orientation sessions for her senate position and dh has to work. My mother is going to visit my brother and his family in Colorado for Easter. It will seem strange not to be with my family on that day but it will be nice for my brother's family to spend Easter with Grandma. Better go and check the cows.

You all have a good day!

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