Water Garden plants and plants for the surrounding

Dutton, AL(Zone 7a)

I have a water garden and was wondering if anybody has any advice on water plants and etc. to surround my pond. I have a water Iris, Pickerl, one lily and some moss. Surrouning plants include Taro (bulbs, still hasn't come up), Bannana tree, tiger lilly, hosta's, and some more that I can't remember the name of. I would like to hear what other plants (cheap) do good around the pond. I also have a rock covering plant, that resembles a succulent, it grows wild on rocks near a bluff were I live. I am willing to trade some of it for some Blue Flag Iris (wild small growing iris found in bogs or bogy areas, used to grow a lot around the woods where I live, but I have been unsuccessful in finding any). I'll try to find a name for the rock covering plant that I spoke of. I also have other plants and etc. Just tell me what you want and I'll see if I have it.


MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Hi FernCliffFarms

Along with some of what you mentioned, I have lobelia cardinalis, 2 different cultivars, around my pond. They like to have damp feet, the burgundy foliage is a nice contrast and they bloom all summer.

With all the ponders here I'm sure you'll get lots of suggestions.


Grandview, TX(Zone 7b)

I like to grow cannas in the bog area of my pond. So many of the plants for the pond are green, so I planted dark foliage cannas. I have several of these cannas and I could trade you some for your "rock covering plant". Let me know if you are interested.
I posted a picture on Photos under "wanna trade".

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I'm putting some hostas, ferns and Bergenia cordifolia around mine, as soon as we get the pond "situated" (we're overhauling it, putting in a ledge all the way around to better hide the liner, which means I gotta go dig up some more rock to finish it off now that the existing rock ledge is about a foot below where it was before.) I'll also fill in the blank spots with caladiums and double-flowering impatiens.

Is your pond in full sun or does it get some shade (mine's under an oak tree, so it stays pretty shady; hence the choice in plants.)

I have a second, smaller pond that is in full sun. I have three pots of agapanthus, (thanks to SoCal, if she's reading this!) that I'm going to bury just oustide the pond at one end; dwarf cannas on an opposite curve, and some sedums and irises around the rest of the pond....

One important point to keep in mind is whether the plants will actually get any moisture from the pond. Unless it's a natural pond (without a liner), the plants really aren't going to get any more water than the rest of the plants in your garden. So while the water-loving, boggy plants appeal to our instinctive sense of what we think should grow next to a pond, they may actually require more maintenance to keep up with their watering requirements. Please let us know what you choose!

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