neat birdbath

I got this at a yard sale last year . I had to paint it, but i thought it was neat the birds love it and so does my Lab! It is just welded out of odds & ends.

Thumbnail by midwestsnowbird

Very unique. I like that because it is something different. I like the unusual.

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

It took me a minute to absorb what it is... It's a bird right? Pretty clever!! I like it! :)

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

I love it! So unique!

Midwestsnowbird, I have really enjoyed looking at all the pictures you are posting. I live in the same zone(s) you do, and your landscaping project is much the same as mine, but you are farther along in yours than I am with mine. I have 5 bare acres that I'm dealing with, and I see you have lots of yard too. How big is yours? Keep the pictures coming, I love seeing them. When I have something worth showing, I'll post them too. I get so many ideas from seeing other people's pictures.

We have been on a tree planting marathon for the last couple years, and I'm hoping as the trees grow, something will start to take shape and I can utilize some of the ideas I've gleaned. LOL

Sorry, I should have posted all this on one of your other threads, but I wanted to let you know how much I love seeing your pictures, and what you have done.

well thank you as you can see i'll probably never be finished. But I have fun. We have 20 acres here as far as my yard area i am not sure how big it is. and i haven't even showed all of it there are still 3 more huge areas.

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

I can't wait to see them!

I've come to the conclusion that I will never get this place landscaped how I would like it to be. I need some trees, and they are so slow to grow. My biggest downfall is watching the garden shows on HGTV, then my "I want, I want" mechanism kicks into overdrive but my brain tries to control it, since I won't have anything like that for a long while, if ever! LOL

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